Communication: Consolidated annual accounts of the European Union 2014

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2015) 377 final (23.7.15)
Publication Date 23/07/2015
Content Type ,

The consolidated annual accounts of the EU provide financial information on the activities of the institutions, agencies and other bodies of the EU from a budgetary and accrual accounting perspective. These accounts do not comprise the annual accounts of Member States.

The annual accounts of the EU consist of two separate but linked parts:
a) the financial statements; and
b) the reports on implementation of the budget, which provide a detailed record of budget implementation.

It is the responsibility of the Commission's Accounting Officer to prepare the EU's financial statements and ensure that they present fairly, in all material aspects, the financial position, the result of the operations and the cashflows of the EU.

In addition to the above annual accounts, ad-hoc reports on specific areas such as the report on budgetary and financial management, on financial instruments, on guarantees given and on financial corrections are also prepared.

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Related Links
European Commission: DG Budget: Consolidated annual accounts of the European Union

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Countries / Regions