Author (Corporate) | European Commission |
Series Details | COM (2016) 500 |
Publication Date | 20/07/2016 |
Content Type | Policy-making |
Summary: Communication - published by the European Commission in July 2016 - accompanying a set of measures put forward under the Energy Union Framework Strategy. Further information: In October 2014, the European Union reached an agreement regarding a binding, economy-wide emissions reductiong target of at least 40% by 2030, compared to levels achieved in 1990. This commitment is in line with a cost-effective pathway to reach the EU's long-term climate objective and became the basis for EU's international commitment under the Paris Agreement on climate change. The package of legislative measures put forward alongside this Communication added to a proposal previously adopted regarding the revision of the EU Emission Trading System (ETS). The Communication sets the context for the following package of measures, put forward to prepare for transition to a low-carbon economy:
This document was published alongside a Communication launching a strategy for low-carbon mobility, which set out a strategy for a transition to low-emission mobility in the European Union (EU). |
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Subject Categories | Environment |
Subject Tags | Atmospheric | Air Pollution, Climate Change, Green Economy |
Keywords | Greenhouse Gas | GHG Emissions |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |