Publisher | Global Future |
Publication Date | May 2017 |
Content Type | Report |
Global Future is an independent think tank campaigning for the United Kingdom to be a vibrant and open nation that reaches out to the world It believes the dynamism of the UK economy and creativity of the culture depends on the country remaining open to people, trade and ideas from across the globe. That improvements in people’s lives will come from harnessing the great potential of global partnerships and that the current drift towards nativism and narrow nationalism represents a huge threat to the very people it professes to serve. It explores new ways for people to take more control over what matters most in their lives without cutting themselves off from what they need most to succeed in the future.The United Kingdom think tank Global Future published a report called Building Globally Successful Societies. The case for immigration in May 2017. The report is a serious, fact-based analysis of both the top-down and bottom-up needs for migrant workers in the years ahead. The UK is close to full employment, has an ageing population and low productivity growth. These factors make immigration an essential ingredient of a successful economy in the years ahead. Global Future’s top-down economic view is that a net migration figure well in excess of 200,000 a year will be needed long into the future to avoid catastrophic consequences for the economy. Furthermore, its bottom-up analysis which shows many sectors are already on a cliff-edge in terms of labour shortages, also confirms that a migration figure in excess of 200,000 will be needed to avoid collapse of whole sectors, as well as to prevent the crisis in public services such as Social Care and the NHS getting worse. There is a strong positive argument that can be made for the continued free movement of people to and from the EU rather than accepting the characterisation of this as a downside of single market membership. |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | United Kingdom |