Brexit – The United Kingdom and the European Union

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details October 2018
Publication Date October 2018
Content Type ,

This ESO In Focus brings together links to websites, key documents and other information sources on

+ the EU Referendum held in the United Kingdom on 23 June 2016
+ the negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) for the UK to leave the EU
+ implications of Brexit for sectoral interests

The main sections in the guide are:

+ Timeline
+ EU institutions and agencies
+ UK Government and Parliament
+ Devolved governments and Crown dependencies
+ Sectoral interests
+ Specific policies and issues
+ Social partners
+ Professional associations
+ External countries
+ Think tanks
+ News sources
+ Campaign groups
+ Academic groups
+ Brexit Blogs
+ Key concepts
+ Archives
+ Miscellaneous
+ Further information guides on Brexit from external organisations


Leading up to the Referendum, June 2016
+ 17 December 2015: The European Union Referendum Act receives Royal Assent, providing for a referendum on the UK’s future membership of the EU
+ 22 February 2016: David Cameron, UK Prime Minister announces the EU referendum date of 23 June 2016
+ 23 June 2016: The EU Referendum held in the UK

See also: ESO Information Guide: The EU Referendum, 23 June 2016. The United Kingdom and the European Union Part 1 – Before the referendum

Referendum, June 2016 - General Election, June 2017
+ 24 June 2016: Prime Minister David Cameron announced his intention to resign
+ 13 July 2016: Theresa May became the new UK Prime Minister
+ 2 October 2016: In her Party Conference speech, Theresa May announced a ‘Great Repeal Bill’ and confirmed Article 50 would be triggered before the end of March 2017
+ 3 November 2016: High Court gave its judgment in the Gina Miller case, finding in favour of the claimants. The Government announced it would appeal against the decision
+ 17 January 2017: Prime Minister Theresa May gave her Lancaster House speech, setting out the Government’s ‘Plan for Britain’ and the priorities that the UK would use to negotiate Brexit
+ 24 January 2017: Supreme Court rejected the Government’s appeal of the Gina Miller case
+ 26 January 2017: Government publishes European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill
+ 2 February 2017: UK Government published its Brexit White Paper 'The United Kingdom’s exit from and new partnership with the European Union' formally setting out its strategy for the UK to leave the EU
+ 16 March 2017: European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act received Royal Assent
+ 29 March 2017: Prime Minister Theresa May triggered Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union
+ 30 March 2017: Government published the Great Repeal Bill White Paper
+ 18 April 2017: Prime Minister Theresa May called a General Election – to be held on 8 June 2017

General Election, June 2017 - close of Phase 1, December 2017
+ 8 June 2017: General Election resulted in a hung Parliament, with the Conservatives winning the most seats and Theresa May forming a government
+ 19 June 2017: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: 1st Round - First round of UK-EU exit negotiations begin
+ 21 June 2017: State Opening of Parliament – Queen’s Speech included a ‘Great Repeal Bill’
+ 23 June 2017: Brexit - One year after the referendum
+ 13 July 2017: Government introduced the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, commonly referred to as the ‘Great Repeal Bill’
+ 17-20 July 2017: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: 2nd Round
+ 28-31 August 2017: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: 3rd Round
+ 12 September 2017: EU Withdrawal Bill passed Second Reading in the House of Commons
+ 22 September 2017: Prime Minister delivered her key Brexit speech in Florence, setting out the UK’s position on moving the Brexit talks forward
+ 25-28 September 2017: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: 4th Round
+ 9-12 October 2017: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: 5th Round
+ 19-20 October 2017: European Council meeting to assess progress on the first phase of Brexit negotiations
+ 9-10 November 2017: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: 6th Round
+ 13 November 2017: Government outlined plans for a Withdrawal Agreement and Implementation Bill
+ 8 December 2017: UK and EU published a Joint Report on progress made during Phase 1 of negotiations

This concluded Phase 1 of negotiations and both sides moved to Phase 2.

Phase 2 of Negotiations December 2017 – May 2018
+ 18 January 2018: The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill had First Reading in the House of Lords
+ 29 January 2018: General Affairs Council (Art. 50) - Adoption of a new set of negotiating directives for the Brexit negotiations
+ 6-9 February 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 2 March 2018: Prime Minister gave a speech at Mansion House on the UK’s future economic partnership with the European Union
+ 26-27 February + 5-7 + 13-15 March 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 28 February 2018: European Commission issue Draft Withdrawal Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community
+ 19 March 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: Draft Withdrawal Agreement agreed
+ 22-23 March 2018: European Council. Formal adoption of framework guidelines for the EU-UK future partnership
+ 29 March 20181st anniversary of triggering of Article 50 and one year before UK leaves the EU
+ 16-18 April 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 18 April-8 May 2018: House of Lords: Report Stage on European Union (Withdrawal) Bill
+ 15 May 2018: Scottish Parliament vote against Clause 11 of the EU Withdrawal Bill
+ 22-24 May 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 5-8 June 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 7 June 2018: UK Government issue Technical note on temporary customs arrangement
+ 12-13 June 2018: European Union [Withdrawal] Bill returns to the House of Commons
+ 18-20 June 2018: Ping Pong Stage for European Union [Withdrawal] Bill. Bill receives Royal Assent, 26 June 2018
+ 19-20 June 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 28-29 June 2018: European Council (EU27 format)
+ 6 July 2018: Cabinet away day at Chequers
+ 12 July 2018: UK Government published White Paper The future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union
+ 16-19 July 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 19 July 2018: European Commission issue Communication Preparing for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 30 March 2019
+ 20 July 2018: General Affairs Council (Art. 50)
+ 24 July 2018: UK Government published White Paper: Legislating for the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union
+ 24-26 July 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 16-17 / 21-22 August 2018 / 29-31 August 2018 / 5-6 September 2018: EU-UK Brexit Negotiations: EU-UK Article 50 Negotiations
+ 23 August 2018: UK Government start publishing a series of seventy Technical Notices outlining contingency plans for a No deal Brexit intended for businesses, citizens and public bodies. A second set of Technical Notices was published on the 13 September 2018 and a third set on the 24 September 2018.
+ 19-20 September 2018: Informal meeting of heads of state or government, Salzburg EU27 rejects Theresa May's Chequers Agreement proposals.
+ 23-26 September 2018: Labour Party Conference, Liverpool
+ 30 September-3 October 2018: Conservative Party Conference, Birmingham

More information sources on the status of the EU-UK negotiations can be found here.

Further Brexit timelines
+ House of Commons: Library
+ Council of the EU / European Council

Find further information in ESO

EU Institutions and Agencies

+ Council of the European Union
+ European Commission: Taskforce on Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom
+ European Parliament: Liaison Office in London
+ European Parliament

+ Community Plant Variety Office
+ European Chemicals Agency
+ European Medicines Agency
+ European Union Intellectual Property Office
+ European Banking Authority
+ European Securities and Markets Authority
+ European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
+ ECB: Banking Supervision

+ EU Law and Publications: EUR-Lex: Brexit – UK’s withdrawal from the EU
+ EU Newsroom - Brexit

United Kingdom - Government and Parliament

+ GOV.UK: Tag: Brexit
+ Prime Minister's Office
+ Department for Exiting the European Union
+ Department for International Trade
+ Foreign and Commonwealth Office
+ Home Office
+ HM Treasury
+ Department for Transport
+ Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
+ Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
+ Cabinet Office
+ Migration Advisory Committee
+ National Audit Office

+ House of Lords: EU Select Committee
+ House of Commons: Exiting the European Union Committee
+ House of Commons: Parliamentary Business: News: Exiting the EU
+ House of Commons: Library: Brexit: Research and analysis
+ House of Commons: European Scrutiny Committee

Devolved governments and Crown dependencies

+ Northern Ireland
+ Scotland
+ Wales
+ Crown dependencies
+ Gibraltar

Further related sources of information include:

+ United Kingdom: House of Commons: Library: Briefing Paper No.7815 (updated weekly): Brexit: devolved legislature business

+ Scotland: Government: EU negotiations
+ Scotland: Parliament: Brexit Update
+ Wales: Government: Brexit
+ Wales: National Assembly for Wales: Brexit and Wales

+ Local government

Sectoral interests

+ Aerospace
+ Automotive industry
+ Farming
+ Fishing
+ Financial services
+ Food and drinks industry
+ Healthcare
+ Higher education
+ Information and Communication Technology
+ Transport

Specific Policies and Issues

+ Environment
+ Border between Northern Ireland and Ireland
+ Customs Union
+ Financial settlement
+ Citizens' rights
+ Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice
+ Gender
+ Labour Party
+ Devolved powers
+ Euratom
+ European Economic Area
+ Economic Partnership
+ Security Partnership
+ Global Britain
+ Civil judicial cooperation

Social partners

+ Business
+ Trade unions

Professional associations

+ British Chambers of Commerce
+ Confederation of British Industry
+ EEF - The Manufacturers' Organisation
+ The Law Society
+ Local Government Association - LGA
+ National Farmers Union - NFU
+ National Federation of Self Employed & Small Businesses - FSB
+ Trades Union Congress - TUC
+ Universities UK

External countries

+ Ireland [+ Ireland: Government Brexit website]
+ Sweden

+ Commonwealth
+ Australia
+ Canada
+ India
+ New Zealand
+ Norway
+ Switzerland
+ United States

Think tanks

+ European Parliament: European Parliamentary Research Service: What Think Tanks are Thinking: Brexit
+ Council of the European Union: Library: Think Tank Review
+ Bruegel
+ Centre for European Policy Studies - CEPS
+ Centre for European reform - CER
+ Chatham House
+ European Council on Foreign Relations - ECFR
+ Finnish Institute of International Affairs - FIIA
+ Institute for Government
+ Institute for International and European Affairs - IIEA
+ Open Europe
+ Scottish Centre on European Relations - SCER
+ Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies - SIEPS

News sources

+ The Guardian
+ Deutsche Welle
+ The Economist
+ EU Observer
+ EurActiv
+ Euronews
+ Euro|Topics
+ The Express
+ France24
+ The Huffington Post
+ Mail Online
+ El País
+ Politico
+ Spiegel Online
+ The Telegraph
+ The Week

Campaign groups

Against Brexit
+ Open Britain
+ European Movement UK
+ In Facts
+ Vote Leave Watch
+ All-Party Parliamentary Group on EU Relations
+ Healthier in the EU
+ Scientists for EU

For Brexit
+ Change Britain
+ Economists for Free Trade
+ Get Britain Out
+ Brexit Central

Further related sources of information can be accessed via the LSE Digital Library The Brexit Collection

Academic organisations

+ Briefings for Brexit
+ Centre for Economic Policy Research
+ European University Institute - EUI [add Brexit to search field]
+ Ideas on Europe - Brexit
+ Me and EU
+ National Institute of Economic and Social Research
+ UK in a Changing Europe
+ Politics Home
+ UCL European Institute
+ What UK Thinks

Brexit Blogs

+ Blog Activ
+ The Brexit Blog [Tim Oliver]
+ The Brexit Blog [Chris Grey]
+ Brexit Time [Kenneth Armstrong]
+ EU Law Analysis
+ EU
+ Euroblog [Jon Worth]
+ Herbert Smith Freehills: Brexit Notes
+ Institute for Government
+ Law and Lawyers: Brexit Library
+ NIESR: Brexit Negotiations
+ LSE Brexit
+ Oliver Norgrove's blog: Campaigning for an EEA Brexit
+ Open Europe
+ Public Law for Everyone
+ Reimagining Europe. Christian reflections on Brexit
+ Social Europe
+ Verfassungsblog
+ UCL Brexit Blog
+ UK Trade Forum
+ United Kingdom Trade Policy Observatory [UKTPO]
+ Welsh Brexit

Key concepts

+ Article 50
+ EU Guidelines 1st, April 2017 - 2nd December 2017 - 3rd, March 2018
+ Legislative consent - Sewel Convention
+ Comparison of the UK Government, European Council and European Parliament’s positions on future UK-EU relations


+ British Library: Brexit: Broadcast Archive
+ LSE: The Brexit Collection


+ Full Facts - Europe

Further information guides on Brexit from external organisations

+ Herbert Smith Freehills: Brexit Notes
+ Scottish Parliament Information Centre
+ UK Web Archive: EU Referendum Debate (Brexit)

Suggestions for additions to this guide and information regarding broken links can be sent to

Source Link Link to Main Source
Related Links
ESO: Find other information sources on Brexit
United Kingdom: Department for Exiting the European Union
ESO: Information Guide: The EU Referendum, 23 June 2016. The United Kingdom and the European Union. Part 1: Before the Referendum. Part 2: After the Referendum
UK: GOV.UK: Tag: Brexit
European Parliament: Liaison Office in London: Brexit
European Commission: Departments and executive agencies: Taskforce on Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom
Council of the European Union: Policies: EU and the UK after the referendum on 23 June 2016
European Parliament: News: Brexit
UK: Parliament: Parliamentary Business: Publications and Records: Research publications: Brexit: the next steps for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU

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