Berlusconi intervenes in migrant crisis

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 31.3.11
Publication Date 31/03/2011
Content Type

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi flew to the small Italian island of Lampedusa close to north Africa on the 30 March 2011 to promise its angry inhabitants that several thousand newly arrived migrants – mostly Tunisians – would be removed within 60 hours.

Mr Berlusconi was attacked in the media and in parliament for his lack of action in responding to the turmoil sweeping north Africa.

Critics blame the government’s sense of disarray on Mr Berlusconi’s preoccupation with extricating himself from four separate battles in the courts of Milan, including his trial due to start in April 2011 on charges of exploiting a juvenile prostitute.

Related Links
France24, 1.4.11: Italy begins removing illegal Tunisian migrants from Lampedusa
ESO: Background information: First Libyan refugees arrive in Lampedusa
BBC News, 30.3.11: Berlusconi to visit migrant island of Lampedusa
Deutsche Welle, 30.3.11: Third boatload of migrants from Libya in 24 hours arrives on Malta,,14953141,00.html
France24, 29.3.11: Lampedusa swamped as refugees arrive daily
Deutsche Welle, 4.4.11: No end to migrant influx as Berlusconi visits Tunisia,,14966093,00.html
Gazeta Wyborcza, 5.4.11: Lampedusa: mirror of European impotence (Via PressEurop)
EurActiv, 4.4.11: Italy, France tussle over 'boat people'
European Commission: RAPID: MEMO/11/204: Joint statement by Stefan Füle, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy and Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, on their trip to Tunisia
EUObserver, 1.4.11: EU must show solidarity with Tunisia, commissioner says
Corriere della Sera, 31.3.11: Berlusconi Pledges to Clear Lampedusa in Two or Three Days
EUObserver, 31.3.11: Italy and EU trade barbs on Lampedusa migrants
Corriere della Sera, 5.4.11: Tunisia Immigration Agreement Falters
Corriere della Sera., 4.4.11: Italy's mission to stem the migrant flow (via PressEurop)

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