Berlin paves way for HRE takeover

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 21.3.09
Publication Date 21/03/2009
Content Type

Germany moved closer to its first bank nationalisation in more than 75 years after the country’s parliament on 20 March 2009 approved a bill that paved the way for the government to take control of Hypo Real Estate, the moribund property lender.

Reports on the 9 April 2009 said that the German government had made a takeover offer for troubled lender Hypo Real Estate. The bid was announced through the Financial Markets Stabilization Fund, SoFFin, which says it wanted 100% control of the group.

Related Links
Deutsche Welle, 3.4.09: German upper house approves bank takeover law,,4149812,00.html
BBC News, 9.4.09: German government in Hypo offer
Deutsche Welle, 9.4.09: German government issues HRE share offer,,4164345,00.html
Deutsche Welle, 7.4.09: German president clears way for bank nationalization,,4160179,00.html
Deutsche Welle, 5.5.09: Nationalization is on the horizon for beleagered Hypo Real Estate Bank,,4227963,00.html
ESO: Background information: Hypo reality

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