Series Title | EurActiv |
Series Details | 17.02.16 |
Publication Date | 17/02/2016 |
Content Type | News |
Austria announced on 16 February 2016 it would step up controls along its southern borders, further distancing itself from an EU-wide solution to the migration crisis. The measures were set to be implemented at 12 existing checkpoints along frontiers with Italy, Slovenia and Hungary to slow down the influx and were met with criticism by Germany. Austria's Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner said on the 17 February 2016 that the country would cap the daily number of asylum claims at 80. In addition, the daily number of people crossing Austria to seek asylum in a neighbouring country would be limited to 3,200. The measures took effect from the 19 February 2016. In a letter sent on the 18 February 2016 the European Commission urged Austria to reconsider its plans to limit asylum claims which it warned would be 'plainly incompatible' with European Union laws. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Austria |