Author (Person) | Poitras, Laura |
Series Title | Spiegel Online International |
Series Details | 29.06.13 |
Publication Date | 29/06/2013 |
Content Type | News |
America's NSA intelligence service allegedly targeted the European Union with its spying activities. According to SPIEGEL information obtained from US whistleblower Edward Snowden in June 2013, the US placed bugs in the EU representation in Washington and infiltrated its computer network. Cyber attacks were also perpetrated against the EU in New York and Washington. The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz demanded on the 29 June 2013 'full clarification' over the report. He said that if this was true, it would have a 'severe impact' on ties between the EU and the US. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission issued a statement on the 30 June 2013 expressing concern at the allegations and seeking clarification from the US authorities. The Guardian reported on the 30 June 2013 that the prospects for a new trade pact between the US and the European Union will suffer a severe setback following the allegations. Some EU policymakers said talks for a free trade agreement between Washington and the EU should be put on ice until further clarification from the United States over revelations that American spies wiretapped European Union buildings in Brussels and Washington. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany was quoted as saying on the 1 July 2013: 'The monitoring of friends -- this is unacceptable, it can't be tolerated. We're no longer in the Cold War'. Also on the 1 July 2013, the European Parliament’s lead negotiator on the draft data protection regulation, Jan Philip Albrecht, suspects US agents may have snooped on EU officials linked to the file. |
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Countries / Regions | Europe, United States |