Antitrust: European Commission fines 11 air cargo carriers €799 million in price fixing cartel

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/10/1487 (09.11.10)
Publication Date 09/11/2010
Content Type

The European Commission decided in November 2010 to fine 11 air cargo carriers a total of €799,445,000 for operating a worldwide cartel which affected cargo services within the European Economic area (EEA).

Several known airlines were among the 11 undertakings fined, namely Air Canada, Air France-KLM, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Cargolux, Japan Airlines, LAN Chile, Martinair, SAS, Singapore Airlines and Qantas.

According to the preceding investigation, the carriers coordinated their action on surcharges for fuel and security without discounts over a six year period. Lufthansa (and its subsidiary Swiss) received full immunity from fines under the Commission's leniency programme, as it was the first to provide information about the cartel.

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Politico, 08.05.15: Airline industry hits turbulence on shipping costs
ESO: Background information: Airlines braced for cargo cartel fines / Global airlines hit with $1bn cartel fines
Financial Times: 09.11.10: Global airlines hit with $1bn cartel fines
ESO: Background information: Airline cartel faces huge EU damages claim
ESO: Background information: Airlines raided in worldwide cargo cartel probe
ESO: Background information: Antitrust: Commission confirms sending Statement of Objections to alleged participants in a air freight cartel
ESO: Background information: EU kicks off legal phase of air-cargo price-fixing probe
BBC News, 9.11.10: Airlines fined over cargo cartel
Deutsche Welle, 9.11.10: EU fines airlines over air cargo cartel,,6209656,00.html
France24, 9.11.10: EU fines airlines €800 million for cargo cartel

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