Author (Person) | Bassett, Ray |
Publisher | Policy Exchange |
Publication Date | July 2017 |
Content Type | Report |
Policy Exchange is a UK think tank. It is an educational charity with a mission to develop and promote new policy ideas which deliver better public services, a stronger society and a more dynamic economy. Its research predominantly falls under three main themes + Jobs and Growth In a new analysis, commissioned and published by Policy Exchange, the Irish Government position is examined and found to be wanting. This report argues that simply sitting on the side lines and allowing the EU to negotiate for Ireland is untenable. Former Irish Ambassador and senior Irish civil servant, Dr Ray Bassett, argues that in the event of the UK leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market, Ireland’s interests would be better served by opting out of formal membership of the EU, remaining in a customs union with the UK and negotiating free trade arrangements, on the lines of the EFTA countries, with the remaining members of the EU. The benefits of EU membership for Ireland in the past have been overwhelming but the organisation that Ireland joined and where it once thrived, is disappearing. Irexit has to be considered. It would be a dereliction of national duty not to consider all the options available in such challenging circumstances. |
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Countries / Regions | Ireland |